Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Revising my GAME Plan!

Using the GAME Plan Process with Students
Image from: Google Images
After reviewing my previous post about my GAME plan, I have begun to put my plan in motion.  In order to be effective, I need to rely on resources and information. That being said, to gain confidence and professionally grow, I set up a meeting with my Technology Coordinator and my Principal. 
First, my Technology Coordinator is helping me find professional development and training courses that I can take to learn new technology tools or to strengthen what I already know.  She is also helping me in the search of finding technology-based assessment tools. We are currently working on an assessment tool together. I also have been exploring the online resources that are at my finger tips to try to find assessment tools.  By having the internet for my research, and planning, it saves me time and energy (Cennamo, Ross & Ertmer, 2009).
Furthermore, I am also in the planning process with my principal for setting up a couple training sessions, where I will be teaching my colleagues how to use Edmodo, which will help build my confidence in leadership.  All the teachers in the building will be joining our own teaching community, which allow us to collaborate as a school. The first session, teachers will set up the account and become familiar with using Edmodo with other teachers.  This will allow us to pose questions and help one another outside school hours.  They will also be setting up their own classroom group in the next training session. In addition, my principal would also like me to do another training session on using Google Docs.  My Technology Coordinator would like me to train other technology managers how to use the different computer programs. We have set dates for this to happen.
Overall, I am thrilled to begin my GAME plan journey.  By having my resources ready and available then I my goals I set will be easy to carry out.
Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.


  1. Hello Julie:
    Having the support of your Principal is a great deal because you will be able to attend the training that you need.
    Technology seems frightening at the beginning, but since you have been part of this class you are one of the most qualified teachers to teach to the rest of the staff. EDMODO is a site that all the teachers should use, it is very easy to use. Besides all the new topics and the current events that we must keep up with teachers are like the medical practitioners that need to be aware of the latest news concerning medicine, drugs, etc.
    I am sure you will have a good outcome from your future training, thanks for sharing,

  2. Hi Julie
    I concur with Eleanne, a supportive principal and staff is of utmost importance. Recently I have been struggling to get the full support of administration and staff but I WILL continue the struggle as it is a worthy cause. The PLC gh group throuEdmodo, is an excellent idea. Many of us are stretched for time but the use of the this particular tool give us the opportunity to interact off the school campus. I am not however committing myself to just that one tool, as I have others that can give me similar effect where I learn from teachers with similar experiences.

  3. Hi Julie,

    It looks like you are well on your way to achieving your goals! I like your plan of becoming what I call a master teacher in the use of Edmodo. We as Technology Coaches in my county heavily rely on Edmodo to communicate to each other and share information. We like the library of resources that we can maintain there.
    I am curious as to what assessment tool you will be using. Might I suggest a few: Edmodo actually has a new "Snapshot" feature where you can access a few standards at a time and it gives you really cool graphs of the results. This can be used as a exit ticket type of assessment or quick quiz to see what concepts students retain from the day before. There are other item banks such as Examview (which can be used with your Interwrite board or CPS unit) or ThinkGate, Data Director and Measuring Up Live.
